Friday, December 3, 2010

Daydreamer, My Rescuer

So if you (ladies) were to be honest right now, how many of you have at some point had a daydream of being in distress and having the man of your dreams come in and save the day? Yes? Well as I am sure 99.99% answered the same, here is a little preview into the recent daydream of mine.

The other day I was hiking through some hills and spending the morning in the wilderness with my love. I loved being out in nature with just Jesus and myself. Breathing in the crisp cool air as it swept off the recently turned golden leaves. There was a sweet silent breeze dancing across the hills and a still calm voice speaking through the wind to my heart. It was a precious time with me and my love.

Then a few days after that it was time for me to drive home for Thanksgiving, and it was there in my car on the drive home that this daydream began to play itself out in my little head:

I was back in the hills on a mission. I wasn't really sure what for, but I knew I had a destination a purpose for my hike. It might have been just to find a unique place to sit and think, or that I was actually going somewhere specific. The key is I was there in the hills enjoying and exploring the beautiful creation around me. However, as this hike progressed I somehow came across a really rough spot. I don't know how it happened but there I was in the midst of rocks with absolutely no sturdy place to put my foot. I seemed to be stuck, and it was then that I realized I wasn't alone.... As I look next to me there is a snake, even though I don't know a lot about snakes, I somehow knew this was a very bad snake and that if I just didn't move it would leave.

However, if I didn't move I would be stuck there forever it seemed so trying to very calmly find a place to take a step away from it, I slowly moved my foot. It was in that moment the snake must have felt I had become a threat to it and did what I had been praying it would not do. It strikes and an extreme pain begins shooting through my leg. I fall to the ground and began holding tightly to my wound. As the poison from the bite begins seeping through my veins, I begin to look around. I look for a way out, something. I am desperate.

Well in that next moment I look up and there it is, my relief. It's him. You know him, the dreamy perfect man of your dreams. :) Yes you know him. Here he comes and in one swoop he picks me up and carries me back to safety where he knows just what to do for the poison. He knows just what to say to calm my anxious and discouraged heart.......oh my sweet, sweet rescuer.

Well ladies, I don't know about you, but that just put a smile on my face. You know for about five seconds I got to enjoy that moment.... then the Lord (as He usually does) comes in brings me back to reality. HIS reality, and his reality is this: The story is completely true. There is journey, I have a destiny and it is meant to be enjoyed. However, there are rough spots and unfortunately there is an enemy. And when that enemy sees me taking a step toward freedom I become his biggest threat. He will strike and sometimes he will hit. BUT most importantly to remember is there is a rescuer, there is the perfect man of my dreams. He is not some worldly man with limited knowledge, medicine and resources. He is the MAN of ALL men. He is limitation of knowledge and resources, and HE speaks the best words of love and encouragement that anyone could dream of. He is my sweet, sweet rescuer, asking me and you today would you become his beloved.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The Way He Holds My Hand

This is what my beloved spoke to me...

Take hold my love. Feel the way your heart flutters when I grab your hand...guess what, my heart does the same. If only you could see the smile that comes across your face when I whisper into your ear, "Come away my love." Oh that smile, it is the joy of my heart.
My beloved, I love to lead you. I love to grab your hand and lead into the beautiful places. I love to be your protector. When your enemies come against you, my defenses go up. Nothing will harm you my love, because I have set my best guards on all sides of us. Our relationship is stronger than any force the world could throw our direction.
When you worry, my love, my heart aches. I wish you knew how much I desire to lavish you with blessings. All the desires of your heart, those are mine too. You are my beloved, and I am yours.
Come with me, my love, let me tell you a story.

"There was once a prince who was married to the most beautiful princess. They were on a journey, to the kingdom, to dwell in the most beautiful and extravagant castle in all the land. However, in order to get to this castle, they had to pass through the enchanted forest. In this forest were so many dark places, unfamiliar and foreign places. So often the princess would get so focused on those dark places, she would forget the hand she held. Fear and doubt would overwhelm her, but then as soon as she felt she was being overcome, the prince would squeeze the princess' hand. With the squeeze of his hand she would turn her head to look to him and all her fears were gone, because she was holding the hand of the prince. It was then when she took her eyes off the dark, she could see the beautiful places he was trying to lead her. Who would have known there were beautiful waterfalls, gardens, rivers with lush greenery flowing along the most magnificent mountains, here on this journey. It was as if the dark places of the enchanted forest turned into open spaces of beautiful freedom when she gazed into her prince's eyes. You see it was here that the prince was able to show the princess how wonderful the journey was to the kingdom when she kept her gaze upon him...."

You see my love, this story, well... it's you and me love. I am the prince and you are my beautiful princess. My love, I am leading you to the most wonderful castle you could ever imagine. So please come with me love, come away with me. Let me lead you to the happily ever after... It will come, I promise, it is coming. But until then, come with me, hold my hand, and become my beloved.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

My Patient Husband

How is he so patient? That man is the most amazing, beautiful, creative and romantic man I know. Every day I wake up knowing his deep desire to pursue me, to call me his own, and every evening I fall asleep another day thinking why me? Do you ever think that? Really people, married or single, do you ever wonder if there really is a perfect person out there ready to love you with everything in them.

Seriously, every morning as I wake up and every night when I fall asleep I know that he is there whispering his loving thoughts into my ears.... the only problem is, sometimes I'm not listening. You see I have this problem of thinking too much. Partly because I'm a girl (okay mostly because I'm a girl:) and partly because I'm thinker, dreamer, wisher. But that's exactly who he desires for me to be when my thoughts, dreams and hopes are on him. The only problem is so often my selfish and prideful self get in the way of having those perfect thoughts of him which hinder me from the most amazing relationship a person could ever ask for.

However, he never fails. With one word he reminds me to clear my head- to focus on his eyes, his beautiful eyes, and listen. And with one word from his mouth I am swept away again... My mind is refocused, my heart is made new, and I am put back into perfect harmony again. If only this routine of being refocused did not have to happen so often. No matter how often I remind myself of his love, my silly stubbornness again distracts me from his gaze.

So my sweet Jesus thank you for being so patient. For always standing there with your arms wide open to receive me no matter how many times I turn my back on you. And help me and every other person out there to remember to wake up every morning with the desire of becoming beloved.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


I am so in love.

 About a year ago I finally realized the kind of sweet love my Jesus was offering. Now don't get me wrong, I've grown up in the church loving God and serving Him as a dedicated believer. However, three years ago while in college I learned what it meant to walk in the fullness of God's power. Even still, it wasn't until two years after that, I heard God whisper His precious calling on my life. He showed me that He had been building the heart of a bride in me since I was a very young girl. He came to me and showed me a vision that literally changed my life. Through this vision I realized my heart was to share the intimate love of Jesus with His bride.

This blog is just that. It is an inside to the kind of beautiful, sweet, and life changing love I have encountered with the best man a girl could ask for. So my invitation is this... Join me on a journey to discovering how to Become Beloved.