Saturday, October 16, 2010

My Patient Husband

How is he so patient? That man is the most amazing, beautiful, creative and romantic man I know. Every day I wake up knowing his deep desire to pursue me, to call me his own, and every evening I fall asleep another day thinking why me? Do you ever think that? Really people, married or single, do you ever wonder if there really is a perfect person out there ready to love you with everything in them.

Seriously, every morning as I wake up and every night when I fall asleep I know that he is there whispering his loving thoughts into my ears.... the only problem is, sometimes I'm not listening. You see I have this problem of thinking too much. Partly because I'm a girl (okay mostly because I'm a girl:) and partly because I'm thinker, dreamer, wisher. But that's exactly who he desires for me to be when my thoughts, dreams and hopes are on him. The only problem is so often my selfish and prideful self get in the way of having those perfect thoughts of him which hinder me from the most amazing relationship a person could ever ask for.

However, he never fails. With one word he reminds me to clear my head- to focus on his eyes, his beautiful eyes, and listen. And with one word from his mouth I am swept away again... My mind is refocused, my heart is made new, and I am put back into perfect harmony again. If only this routine of being refocused did not have to happen so often. No matter how often I remind myself of his love, my silly stubbornness again distracts me from his gaze.

So my sweet Jesus thank you for being so patient. For always standing there with your arms wide open to receive me no matter how many times I turn my back on you. And help me and every other person out there to remember to wake up every morning with the desire of becoming beloved.

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