Saturday, February 19, 2011

Keepin It Real... Real Personal Pt 1

So I decided to mix things up a bit in this post. I am just going to keep it real with you. Things had been a little difficult with me and the man the last few weeks. However, he is so faithful. Let me tell you just how wonderful this man of mine is.

You see I have been struggling in certain areas of our relationship. For example, turst, obedience to his wise counsel, and several others things have been some of the rough spots lately. Again, he is so faithful. You see for so long I have known that he has been pursuing me from the very beginning.

God gave me the heart for this ministry a couple of years ago and since then Jesus has been showing me what it looks like to be his bride and to walk in an intimate relationship with him. He has also shown me how he has been pursuing me my whole life. He is so faithful in his pursuit of me. Always reminding me of his love and devotion to me. However it wasn't until a few days ago that he has shown me he has been pursuing me so specifically. 

You see because of the stubborness (mentioned above) in our relationship, completely on my end of course, I find myself so easily frustrated. Here I am in this perfect relationship yet I can become so overwhelmed and frustrated with certain situations. Basically my flesh and emotions take over and then the enemy comes in and feasts on this. He adds fuel to the fire.*(See note)  So after I snap out of the funk I am left looking to Jesus, my Love and asking for his help to heal my hurt (broken, confused, bitter-whatever you feel insert here) heart. Then out his faithfulness and never ending supply of grace and pursues me back to his heart.
 *The only reason the enemy comes into our lives (if you are a believer is because we allow him the ground. If you do find yourself struggling in your flesh and emotion and feel the enemy starting to come in, you need to identity the door to sin that you left open and shut it. Repent. He will forgive. And SLAM the door shut, and then tell the enemy to leave you and your life. For any further questions on this please email me.

So this just recently, and by recently I mean like a week ago, happened to me. I had been in a state where I was just hurt and a little broken. So I went to my best friend and told her everything I was feeling and then a day later I find her praying over me for freedom from the lies of the enemy. That's a long story in and of itself but what you need to know is that during this time, I really felt the Holy Spirit come over me and speak two things.

The first he showed me that Jesus is not just a general pursuer. He does not only just pursue me in our general relationship, but he pursues me to do the things he knows will benefit me. You see as girls we don't want to be in a relationship with a guy who literally walks two steps ahead of us with his back turned to us saying follow me. We desire someone who walks with us, with his hand on our back. A man who knows the way and has mapped it out for our safety, but that walks with us, maybe a step ahead but facing us with his arms outstretched saying come with me. You see when your are led and pursued you get the best of both. When you are pursued you are sought after, desired. When you are led, there is a plan, someone has taken the time to plan the perfect path. You see Jesus not only leads, he leads with pursuit....

Now there is much more to this but I know it is already long. So if you made it to the end please be sure to let me know your thoughts so far. I will be posting Part 2 soon!